Spiritual Guidance Blog by Sedona Healer Cynthia Tierra
Spiritual Guidance posted by Sedona Healer and Sedona Reiki Master Teacher, Cynthia Tierra of Healing From The Heart in Sedona Arizona
Spiritual Guidance About Being Respectful
There is so much divisiveness in our society; it often seems people have forgotten about being respectful. Few people say please or thank you anymore. Some expect service without appreciating what is being done for them. Complaints and criticism abound. Being respectful appears to have fallen by the wayside. People feel comfortable looking out only for themselves instead of showing empathy and concern for others.
Being respectful is important spiritually. Even if you disagree with another person, that person should be treated with respect and love. We humans have freedom of choice, the spiritual right to make choices in our individual lives. The purpose of this freedom is to grow and learn. Every person is a spiritual being in human form, experiencing the choices and lessons offered in this third dimension on planet Earth. All people are at different stages in their spiritual growth. Honor their process, even if you don’t embrace their choices.
As a spiritual person in human form, being respectful is all about loving even those who are making choices you don’t like. Allow others to make their choices and learn their lessons and move from judgment into love. Send love to those who are not being respectful and be respectful to them. Loving energy raises the vibration of love. Being respectful is all about creating higher vibration from lower vibration in a loving way.
©2020 Cynthia Tierra Healing From The Heart Sedona AZ All Rights Reserved
Cynthia Tierra – Sedona Healer and Sedona Reiki Master Teacher, works with the whole person to eliminate pain, illness, and stress by identifying and releasing the underlying causes. She offers spiritual healing and intuitive reading.
Contact her at Healing from The Heart (928) 821-0989