Spiritual Guidance Blog by Sedona Healer Cynthia Tierra
Spiritual Guidance posted by Sedona Healer and Sedona Reiki Master Teacher, Cynthia Tierra of Healing From The Heart in Sedona Arizona
Spiritual Diet
A spiritual diet raises your vibrational energy. Food choices impact your body, mind and spirit. My nutritional philosophy is choosing food in as natural and fresh a state as possible. What attracts you is not always the best choice. Remember when you eat you are not only feeding your body, but you are doing something spiritual. Become more aware of your food choices and adapt a spiritual diet.
A spiritual diet is for nourishment of body, mind and spirit. Be in a state of higher awareness when you eat. Choose foods that feel right to you. If you aren’t sure ask your spirit if what you are eating is for your highest and greater good. Sugar and fats are addictive and create a response in your brain that craves more. Eat foods that create this response in moderation or not at all. Your brain is focusing only on the lower vibration of immediate physical desire. Choosing a spiritual diet means acknowledging everything is connected and has an energetic vibration. Fresh food has higher vibration than processed food. Bless your food. Be thankful for what nourishes and sustains you. Make food choices based on spiritual guidance.
©2020 Cynthia Tierra Healing From The Heart Sedona AZ All Rights Reserved
Cynthia Tierra – Sedona Healer and Sedona Reiki Master Teacher, works with the whole person to eliminate pain, illness, and stress by identifying and releasing the underlying causes. She offers spiritual healing and intuitive reading.
Contact her at Healing from The Heart (928) 821-0989