Healing in Nature

Spiritual Guidance Blog by Sedona Healer Cynthia Tierra

Spiritual Guidance posted by Sedona Healer and Sedona Reiki Master Teacher, Cynthia Tierra of Healing From The Heart in Sedona Arizona

Healing In Nature

Healing in nature is easy. It is a re-connection to your true self. Get away from your surroundings and go outdoors. The further you get away from the energy of other people and the business of daily life, the better. Nature connects you with something far greater than your individual identity. Lie in the dirt and look at the sky. Watch the clouds drifting by. Become one with the dirt beneath you. Feel the oneness of breathing fresh air. Remind yourself that spiritually everything is made of flowing interconnected energy. This energy is Universal Love. The trees, the dirt, the rocks, the sky, the water, and the air are Universal Love and support your healing in nature.  The illusion of separation has been created by your mind. Peacefully and lovingly release the illusion. You are part of the wonder and expansiveness of nature. Healing in nature is reconnecting to your true self. Be at peace.

©2020 Cynthia Tierra Healing From The Heart Sedona AZ All Rights Reserved

Cynthia Tierra – Sedona Healer and Sedona Reiki Master Teacher, works with the whole person to eliminate pain, illness, and stress by identifying and releasing the underlying causes. She offers spiritual healing and intuitive reading.

Contact her at Healing from The Heart (928) 821-0989

Click here for more spiritual information and guidance.


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