Healing Affirmations

 Spiritual Guidance Blog by Sedona Healer Cynthia Tierra

Spiritual Guidance posted by Sedona Healer and Sedona Reiki Master Teacher, Cynthia Tierra of Healing From The Heart in Sedona Arizona

Healing Affirmations

Healing affirmations can improve your life, bring you peace and positively impact your physical body. Repeating uplifting positive phrases creates that energy in your mind. In contrast, when you repeat negative thoughts that is what you are creating. Your thoughts are very powerful creations and you are in charge of them. If you tell yourself something is not possible, you are creating an obstacle in your mind that will contribute to whatever it is not happening. If you tell yourself something is desirable and possible for you, you are opening up the possibility of creating that for yourself. You don’t need to know how. You just need to allow. Healing affirmations create the potential in your mind of a positive outcome and reinforce your personal creative ability  using your mind as a tool. Your mind is a powerful healing tool. The more often you repeat a healing affirmation, the more powerful it becomes because it becomes an integrated part of your mental energy. Try using healing affirmations. You have nothing to lose and lots to gain.

Here are a few suggestions to start out. Choose one that calls to you. You can also create your own healing affirmations based on what is happening in your life and what you desire. “I trust in the process of life.” “I deserve to be happy and healthy.” I am my own unique self.” “I choose to make healthy choices for myself.” Using healing affirmations helps you create the life you desire.

©2019 Cynthia Tierra Healing From The Heart Sedona AZ All Rights Reserved

Cynthia Tierra – Sedona Healer and Sedona Reiki Master Teacher, works with the whole person to eliminate pain, illness, and stress by identifying and releasing the underlying causes. She offers spiritual healing and intuitive reading.

Contact her at Healing from The Heart (928) 821-0989

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